Lets Make A Better World Artists Include - Matt Small, Annabel Dover, Carne Griffith, Debbie Lawson, David Hancock, Elinor Evans, Gareth Kemp, Gonny Van Hulst, Harry Pye, Infinity Bunce, Jo Wilmot, Jay Reichstein, Louis Masai, Mike Bartlett, Sarah Jeffries and Louise McNought Opening Event - Friday 8th April 2016 6.pm till 10. pm. 50% of sales to go to: Born Free Foundation, PETA and https://www.soidog.org Open from 9th - 15th April 2016, 12 till pm daily. The Cello Factory 33-34 Cornwall Road, Waterloo, London, SE1 8TJ [email protected]Tel : 07961452703 This show is taking over the Cello factory a large scale space in Waterloo, in London. The artists have been carefully selected. The show conveys the best that Britain has to offer from urban street artists and fine artists all coming together and donating the sales of their work to Born Free and PETA charity organisations, who are seeking change for animals and their environment. This a large scale show in London where artists are taking control. With the collaboration of two curators that felt their love for animals and our planet needed to be addressed and represented through art .The show is cutting edge, contemporary and urban with a real feel of artists having a voice about the world. Artwork